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Game Name : Return Fire
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-10 01:50:38
Views : 13815
Hint : The Bunker To re-enter the bunker, move the vehicle over the bunker until the doors light up. Then press the appropriate button to open the doors. Bring vehicles back to the bunker before they are completely destroyed. The bunker will repair all damage. Always check the map while in the bunker. It is constantly updated and will show how the terrain has changed. It will also show the enemy's position on the map as he moves around. When leaving the bunker, if there is anything touching the bunker doors at the moment they open (for example, a mine or an opponent's vehicles) it will be destroyed.
Armored Support Vehicle (ASV) Offense The ASV can carry 10 mines. Mines can be reloaded at the bunker, but a total of only 30 mines are available for the entire game. If an ASV is destroyed, all of the mines that it contained are lost. If your opponent is in the helicopter, lay a mine on his bunker. If he returns to the bunker without any rockets to destroy the mine, he will not be able to refuel or reload, thus losing the helicopter.
Do not lay mines directly on the your opponent's bunker if he is inside. The ASV will be destroyed when the doors open. Instead, lay a mine slightly in front of the bunker.
When laying mines, try to put them somewhere they will not be noticed (for example, on a splotch where a tree previously stood). Try to herd your opponent to the mines: lay a mine in an obvious location to make him veer off the road. Then put another, better hidden mine in the place that he may move to avoid the first mine.
Lay mines in the enemy's bridges. When the enemy hits such a mine, the vehicle and the bridge will be destroyed. This technique is most effective when the mine is placed on a bridge that crosses deep water.
Place mines on or near your flag after it has been discovered.
When fighting in the ASV against your opponent's land vehicles, do not become pinned against a wall. Since there is no escape once this happens, drop a mine and destroy both vehicles. Try facing your opponent and fire while in reverse and dropping mines. If the ASV is about to be destroyed, drop a few mines since they will be lost regardless.
Defense With practice, a mine can be detonated with a ground vehicle without losing the vehicle. However, it may take some damage.
When using the helicopter, keep a few rockets available to clear out troublesome mines including those that may be placed on the bunker.
Pin your opponent's ASV against a building with the tank or jeep. Since the ASV cannot fire backwards, it can be easily destroyed.
Helicopter Watch the helicopter's shadow as it is landing. Make sure the shadow is positioned on the upper-right corner of the landing-pad. Press the appropriate button when the landing pad lights up. The helicopter does not use any fuel while flying sideways, hovering, or turning.
Driving in water All vehicles can drive in the light blue shallow water. The tracked vehicles can drive for very short stretches in the dark blue deep water. The jeep (3DO version) and humvee (PlayStation version) can drive in the deep water by pressing B (3DO version) to switch to amphibious mode. This must be done prior to going into the deep water.
Retrieving the flag The flag is exposed by destroying the flag bunker. Further hits on the bunker are necessary to reduce the bunker to rubble and allow the jeep to access the flag.
Protecting the flag If the enemy finds your flag, take the Jeep and retrieve your own flag. Then, either: Hide it behind a building near turrets. Move it to the farthest location on the map. Bring it back to the friendly bunker. It will then be randomly placed in a new flag tower. Release the flag after taking it to sea. It will slowly float back to shore, but will be difficult to locate.
Radar screens Radar screens keep track of your current location; allow the enemy to be viewed; give early drone warning; and display mines. Jeep/Humvee beacon light The beacon will light green and chime when the jeep is headed towards the exposed flag. The beacon will light bright red when facing the friendly bunker. Drones When a vehicle stops moving in the higher levels, a computer controlled helicopter will appear and shoot. Never cross bridges when a drone is following. Drones will continue to fire as the vehicle moves and will destroy the bridge. Keep moving to avoid the drones.
The Submarine The submarine is deadly and cannot be destroyed. It appears when the helicopter strays too far out over the water. Once it fires a heat seeking missile at it will destroy the helicopter, unless something else is closer to the missile. The really is heat-seeking and if a drone or an enemy helicopter is closer to the missile, it will be destroyed. With a bit of practice, the heat-seeking missile can be used quite creatively.
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